The reason I love fan art is because it is a way for fans to show their appreciation on a things and subjects they love. They highlight many inspiring attributes and allow us -the creators- to reimagine characters and for the artist away to keep their skills sharp and to grab our attention!
To this Jiwe would like to give away 3000KES to the most inspiring and unique work of fan art! The winning art work will also have a dedicated blog post for fan art!
To submit please tag us on our handles on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or send us an email at
Winner will be announced in 1 month!
Looking forward to the submissions! :)
To start here is a piece of curious fan art - a video reel music mix of the game at its storyboard stage by Masautso inspired by MF Doom
Announcement: Winners of the Top 3 USONI Fan Art Submissions for the 3K KES give-away!
The Winner of the USONI Fan Art Competition is GamingWorldKE for their great submission of what we would like to call the "eye of the oppressed".

The decision was unanimous this image represented a future and a hope for that future. It simultaneously brought out hope and a feeling of dread. Wonderful and congratulations!
The 2 runner up submissions for the competition were submissions from Arthur and from Danny. These fan art submissions mean a lot to us and we would like to congratulate you for tying the position of 2nd runners up, and thank you for all your effort!
To the ones that submitted fan art that did not make the top list, thank you again and I hope you will submit more for USONI PART 2.